Wellspring Gardens
Many eucalyptus have a ligno tuber or a modified root system. This enables the plant to produce new stems after fires or freezing weather.
Eucalyptus can be subdivided into seven categories:

Boxes have flaky, scale-like bark over the trunk and all branches.  The leaves and buds tend to be smaller than on other Eucalypts, the wood is generally close grained, durable and excellent timber quality. Examples are Eucalyptus lansdowneana and E. polyanthemos.

Gums shed a layer of bark from the trunk and branches leaving a smooth, usually light colored trunk. Exzmples: Examples are E. cinerea, E. deglupta.

Ironbarks have hard deeply ridged bark. Examples: E.leucoxylon, E. melliodora and E. sideroxylon.

Mallees are usually low growing with several stems. They often come from arid and or colder areas. Examples include: E. burdettiana,  E. macrocarpa

Peppermints have fine fibrous bark that crumbles easily.  The leaves have the characteristic peppermint odor when crushed. Examples: E. coccifera, E. dives, E. nitida, E. pulchella, E. radiata, E. tenuiramis.

Stringybarks have bark that is made up of long, string-like fibers. The trunks are normally long, straight, and make good timber. Example: E. youmanii.

Yates are usually smaller and have large gumnuts.  The flowers are produced in a gumnut, the seed is carried inside this nut and takes about 2 years to mature.  Example: E. lehmannii